General care residence for
atención a childhood and adolescence

Luis Amigo

"Amigonians are called to welcome and educate children and young people, like the Good Shepherd's swains".

Luis Amigó

Aviso Legal

Controller - who is the data controller?

961646156 -686690941
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Domain name:

The Legal Notice is one of the most relevant aspects that a website owner must have, as highlighted by the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) in its publication dated October 29, 2020, whose link is included below: This obligation stems from the LSSICE, which, as stated in Article 2, applies to service providers of the information society established in Spain and the services provided by them. Specifically, this obligation derives from Article 10.1 of the LSSICE, which states that the provider of information society services must provide recipients of the service with the following information in a permanent, easy, direct, and free manner

  • Name or corporate name.
  • Address or, failing that, the address of one of their permanent establishments in Spain.
  • Email address.
  • Any other data that allows for direct and effective communication with the owner.
  • Data regarding their registration in the Commercial Registry where they are registered, if applicable, or in any other public register for the acquisition of legal personality or for advertising purposes.

In addition to the above, INCIBE has indicated that the Legal Notice should include all relevant information regarding legal matters, data protection, and industrial and intellectual property. Within this information, the following blocks can be highlighted:

  • Website ownership or identification details of the owner.
  • General terms and conditions of use.
  • Intellectual or industrial property if applicable.
  • Use of links and hyperlinks.
  • Privacy policy or personal data protection.
  • Cookie policy.
  • Regulations, applicable law, and jurisdiction.
  • Communication.

This information should be included in a visible place on the website. It is advisable to include it in a separate tab at the bottom of the "Home" page, as shown in the following image: